Home of the custom DocterOptics Uzi Mount – the FIRST (now being copied) and ONLY true co-witnessing optics setup for the Uzi family (FULL size, MINI and MICRO/Pistol (Note that the MICRO/UZI Pistol does not co-witness)).

Been doing these for over 20 years.  I no longer want to deal with the hassle of refinishing anything.  It really doesn’t make sense when most people will end up scratching the topcovers trying to fit them to their receivers anyways.  Remember that topcovers were not designed for mounting optics in the first place.  That said, you should fit it to YOUR receiver first then get the topcover to match your receiver’s finish (if you care).

Pictured below is the steel mount that is TIG welded directly to the topcover.  The right side of every topcover is higher than the left side due to the ejection port.  The right corner needs to be relieved underneath to clear the topcover.  I recommend just using one locating pin on the left side.  You only need one and this will retain the zero when swapping the battery.  You will also have a spare locating pin.


Contact me if you need a topcover.  All topcovers will come complete with the charging handle, slot cover, ratcheting pawl, cocking lug and spring.  As mentioned above, NOT refinished though as you need to fit it to YOUR receiver first anyways.




OLD information and pictures below for reference.
The old versions were just steel plates welded to the topcovers which didn’t have the locating pins.  Back in the day it was originally the Tasco Optima which uses the same footprint as the JP Jpoint, then started using the Docter Optics which share the same footprint as the Burris Fastfire.  Later came the RMR optics which share the same footprint as several of the Holosun models.


Full Size UZI
Parkerized full size UZI topcover with custom base welded to topcover.  Aluminum FF / Docter base is then screwed to the custom steel base.

Picture below shows that the base is welded from the bottom.

Close up of the custom base detail. The custom base is machined to accept the Burris Fastfire base with no mods. The Burris Fastfire base will also work for the Docter Optics.

Mini UZI is done the same way

The base on the Mini is like a bridge so that the slot cover can go under it.

This is what the sight picture looks like on the full size and Mini. (Note that the 200M rear sight needs to be enlarged to get clearer sight picture like this, I typically like .25″)  Rear sights are really hard and you really need carbide to cut them.  Original spare Model B style sights are also pretty rare these days.  Original SMG / Model A style are still very common.

MICRO UZI – the Micro / UZI Pistol will not co-witness. It is close but not quite.